Tuesday, October 6, 2015

be intentional.

Be intentional. That is the mantra that I tell myself on those select Sunday mornings when I step out of my car and onto the grass field of my favorite flea markets. I’ve come to realize that I’ve spent far too many flea market days rushing around, from table to table, in order not to “miss” anything, when in fact I have been missing everything. I carried lists of sought-after items and had a one-tract mind in hopes of finding *the* item that I had been searching for, all the while missing out on all of the treasures that were before me. 

Be intentional. Take that box of junk and sift through it. Touch every single item and let your eyes run over it. Watch for the details. Tedious and time consuming, but the “What ifs?” are many. Turn the photograph and wooden frame over. Search for the maker’s mark. Open the scrapbook and let the writing tell its’ story. 

Be intentional.

I haven’t written in this blog for over a year, allowing for the changes in life to grow over me like a wandering vine. I’ve ignored things that should have been in the forefront and succumbed to letting my passions and merry-making tasks take a backseat to a mindless routine. I have neglected this little blog and the hopes and desires I had for it to “become something.” So, with this post, this post that speaks a mantra, I must listen and finally put pen to paper. 

Be intentional. May this Corner Cupboard be once again filled with tales of treasure and forgotten histories.

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