Sunday, May 25, 2014

Christmas at the Auction

I love auctions and everything about them. Well, maybe except for when I am outbid but that’s just a minor detail. Box lots are my go-to at auctions. There could be a whole box filled with amazing finds or maybe one or two treasures and the rest is throw-away, but like Forrest Gump said “You never know what you’re going to get.” 

I constantly have to remind myself to look – really look – at box lots. I also have to constantly remind myself to follow my own reminder, but I’m making progress little by little. Many people, not all, take a brief glance at what is on the top of a box lot and never dig into the bottom of the box. This happens especially with large boxes and boxes that are positioned underneath tables. That is why I am trying to remind myself to remember to look with care and diligence, because  you never know what you are going to find.

Like this:

I had walked by a box of what seemed to be somewhat new boxes of Christmas ornaments. They were just regular gold balls, still in their box, and obviously not vintage. This was a big box so curiosity finally got the better of me as I decided to take a closer look at what was underneath the new ornaments. Well, thank goodness for curiosity! Underneath the newer ornaments was a medium sized wad of paper towels, obviously wrapped around an object. I unraveled the paper towels and was greeted by two vintage Christmas elves. That was that. I wrapped the elves back up in their paper towels and returned to my seat, waiting for this box to come up.

I didn’t even bother sifting through the rest of the box because I wanted these elves. Sure, I should have continued to dig through the box, but no sense in causing some type of ruckus and have people wonder what I was looking for. (I’ve learned my lesson with that! Spend too much time checking out a box lot and you are bound to have more noses pop into the box). The Christmas box came up to the block. The auctioneer didn’t bother to reach further down into the box (thank goodness!) but only sold the box as a mixed lot of Christmas items for wait….wait…. $1. Up goes my bid number & over walked the runner with the box. Merry Christmas to me!
Though the box was filled with mostly newer Christmas ornaments, there were still a few beauties like vintage teardrop ornaments, elves, Santa & his little friend (make that a naughty Santa) and what appears to be a reindeer hiding from hunting season amongst holiday flora.  

The green toolbox was not a part of the box lot, but a separate bid for $4. It was old, cute, and just the right size to store all of my box lot treasures. 

So as a friendly public service announcement, please remember to sift through those boxes! Dig down under amidst what looks like is trash and you might find some real treasure. Unless of course you are at the auction I attend, then you can leave the digging to me!

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