Sunday, May 4, 2014

Time for a Change.

It’s been some time since my last post. I’ve been writing, editing, deleting, and re-writing posts. I’ve been complaining how my full time job is getting in the way of my true calling of doing historical research, writing, thrifting and flipping. There never seems to be enough hours in the day to get everything done. I could sleep less and work more, but in the long run that would leave me in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, underneath a blanket on a couch, napping away for hours.

I’ve been attending a weekly & bi-weekly auction and finally yard sale & flea market season is upon us here in the northwest part of Jersey. I’ve been reading lots of thrifting and vintage blogs, which always inspires me to want to write more as well as do a major overhaul on my blog. I made a goal in the beginning of the year to blog at least once a week & somewhere between New Year’s Day and now that goal has gotten swept under the rug. But, if I want to be like the blogs that I can read for hours, then I must write, I must photograph, and I must be diligent.

I love seeing all of the vintage finds that people stumble upon when going to yard sales. I am envious of those that still live in areas where towns do annual clean-ups and it’s a picker’s heaven on front lawns and driveways. I want to be proud of my blog & not only write here and there. I want readers to check in weekly or even daily to see into the world of The Corner Cupboard.

So, time to dust off that New Year’s Resolution and start making it a reality! 

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